Bailey Kacsmar is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta and an Alberta machine intelligence institute (Amii) fellow. Her research interests are broadly in the development and evaluation of human-centered technical privacy solutions; including the use of privacy mechanisms for data analysis and AI. She aims to develop human-centered privacy technology through the parallel study of technical solutions for private computation (privacy in machine learning and private set intersections) alongside the corresponding user perceptions, concerns, and comprehension of these developments.

Prior to joining University of Alberta, she received her PhD in Computer Science and her Masters of Mathematics, both from the University of Waterloo.

Upcoming and Recent Talks, Events, News…
January 2025, Workshop on Defining Holistic Private Data Science for Practice at EnCORE Institute at UCSD.
August 2024, “Usability and Cryptography”, SAC 2024 Summer School, Montréal, Canada. (Slides)
July 2024, I’ll be at PETs 2024 in Bristol, say hello!
June 2024, “Human-Centred Privacy in Machine Learning”, University of Guelph, Canada. (Slides)
May 2024, “Privacy Pinch Points for Applied ML”, Amii Upper Bound, Edmonton, Canada. (Slides)

Erdös Number Trivia
You can find Erdös trivia here, about what is an Erdös number and why the collaboration graphs are (mathematically) interesting. As a fun note, I have an Erdös number of two. A co-author of Paul Erdös is said to have an Erdös number of one, and there are 511 people with this number. One of them, Douglas R. Stinson, is a collaborator of mine, which is why I have a two. Interestingly, your number (distance from Erdös via a collaboration graph), is likely smaller than you may expect.

Selected Service

  • PETs HotPETs Chair 2025, 2026
  • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Program Committee 2025
  • PoPETs Program Committee 2023, 2024, 2025
  • AAAI Program Committee 2024, 2025
  • ACM CCS Program Committee 2023, 2024, 2025